Monday, November 16, 2020

Week 63- Prayer and the bigger picture

November 16, 2020 This week went by so quickly!! I don't even know how it's pday already. This week started off that we were both feeling pretty sick but we were able to get over that and then the rest of the week was great! We had a mission tour so one of the leaders of our church was able to come and have some meetings and give us some really good advice for about 4 days! Sister Montague lost her phone and we were looking for it everywhere and just couldnt find it! So we retraced our steps on the walk from the church to our house and still nothing. We prayed bc her phone is super important and we really needed to find it and then we randomly asked a construction guy (there were like 20-30 of them all in that area) and he reached into his chest pocket and magically pulled out her phone!! We were so relieved and that was definitely an answer to our prayers. Haha he called us back and very agressively told us to get a Sim cars and out in emergency contacts. Lol. He doesn't know the missionary life. I was able to teach English class to a few French girls again and it is sooo nice to speak French again and then help them learn English. They are so chill too. It was a good week, and we were able to have some amazing lessons. We taught one woman about eternal marriage and her husband was there with her and they just had the best reaction ever. They were so happy and loved the idea that they could be together forever. It helped them feel so much hope! They even asked when they could book the temple lol. They are the cutest ever. Mission culture is weird. It really is another world. We don't really have social media, we have a bedtime and a time we have to wake up at, we are with someone not of our choosing 24/7 for at least 6 weeks, we move around a ton on very short notice, and we just serve in the community and teach about Christ. What an interesting life. Some people might wonder why we would ever do it. But let me tell you, it is all worth it. To be able to see lives change, hope come into people's hearts, and see families come closer together. It's all about the bigger picture and I'm so grateful I get to be a small part of it all!! Have a great week everyone! Sister Clement
1. My cute companion 2. Sister Hansen came over to do sister montagues eyebrows 3. My mom sent me another package!!! She's the best 4. Sister Marcus's birthday (she was already supposed to go home so it was a little bit sad for her to still be here so we tried to make it as fun as we could!)

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Week 62- New Covid Guidelines :(

November 9, 2020 What a crazy week! We had zone conference (à conference with all of the missionaries in vancouver) which was really fun but sister montague wasn't feeling very good and so she had to stay home, and neither was I but I didn't have a sore throat so I was able to go and do our training with another sister and then come home!
Andy was baptized on Saturday and it was so special!! He is so awesome. It was such a nice service. It is honestly so cool that God looks out for us and always has a bigger plan that we can see. Andy came to Vancouver from Thailand within a day that I was sent here, and then we met right as he was finished his 2 week quarantine! He has come so far and we really have been able to see his life change. It's the cutest thing because all of the sisters in our apartment building love him so much even though they don't know him. Everyone just loves Andy haha.
We have even more covid restrictions for the next two weeks that just came out yesterday. No in person meetings at all with anyone. No missionaries can get together ever, even though we are all in the same building. It is kind of sad but we adapt!! And we've been here before and the work is still moving forward :)
Have a good week! Sister Clement 1. Andy's baptism !! Sister Stephan was allowed to come ❤️ 2. Pyramid for sister Jamisons 1 year!! 3. Andy's baptism ! 4. Party hats!!

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Week 61- Halloween and Hallow Clean!!

The past two weeks have been really good!

We had a really fun Halloween party over dinner time and all the sisters dressed up with 5 minute costumes! We also did trick or treating which was fun. Aldo we did the limbo with a broom and I best everyone and set a record so I'm glad my limbo skills are still in tact from when I was 8.

Cambridge Ward picnic 2007

My mission président hates Halloween so every year he institutes a hallow clean where we have to deep clean our apartments which was fun.

We got to make a fun Halloween video too!! You should check it out on my page!!

Making our video

We did some fun service cleaning out a bunch of blackberry bushes, we had some really good lessons with Andy and some friends from my mission in Thailand were able to help teach a few! He also will be getting baptized this Saturday and we are so grateful for that.

We have some sad news that we can no longer go into people's homes, and if we want to meet outside or in the church building we have to socially distance 12ft. So that will be fun!!

Miracles have not stopped though! We are still finding and teaching those that are prepared to hear our message of hope, light, and peace. It really has been amazing

I hope everyone has a good week!!

Love you all,

Sister Clement

Celebrating sister lasso 1 year with a bunch of Chinese food!!

Crêpe party at our place!