Sister Noon's baptism !! Isn't she just the cutest?!
March 18, 2020
Just out here livin' it up in Udorn.... Oh wait... Our apartment is Udorn!! It's been so fun though. this week ร lot has happened!!
1. Hit my 6 month mark!! So crazy that it has gone my so fast! And sister jensen suprised me with all my favourite chocolate and ice cream! And we ordered a dairy queen ice cream cake to celebrate my 6 months and sister jensens 1 year!
Love sister jensen
2. we only went ร little bit crazy !
Again sister jensen and I the dream team
Jammie time!
Iconic duo
Sister jensen is the cutest companion!
3. We made a singing video (sister jensen and I both hate singing so we don't really know why we did it) and it got so many views and we were able to talk to so many people from it!! So amazing
4. Sister Noon got baptized! It seemed like everything was against her but she has overcome everything and changed her entire life to follow Christ so it all worked out. We ended up having to fill up the font with buckets of water bc we were running out of time. It was perfectly imperfect! And she is so happy now and ahhh it was the best ever. I am so proud of her (I will write her conversion story in another email for those who want to read it)
Sister noons baptism!! Sister Wan is soooo cute she's the one in the front who is like 4ft tall!!( mom wants to know where the social distancing is!!!)
Sister Noon!
5. We got transfer calls last night and I was supposed to be moving to Bang Kapi! We were a little sad bc I love sister jensen so much and we are so tight but I was excited for the new adventure even in the quarantine aha. As I was packing we got a message saying transfers were postponed!! We jumped up and down bc we were so excited. This iconic duo isn't broken up quite yet God really does answer prayers haha. Anyway I put everything back in like a minute and now it's back to business as usual!
when they thought it was their last day together
6. We also that night found a massive cockroach in our apartment and proceeded to spend the next hour and a half trying to get it. We went to bed veryyy late yesterday night oh myyy.
Finally caught the cockroach ewwwww
7. We are also indefinitely quarantined... We will hit our month mark on Saturday!!! So wild. We've been able to still see a lot of miracles though and we really know God's work is not stopping.
Quarantine be like (we tried to separate ourselves for like 5 min but it didn't work lol)
I hope this time will help turn all of us to Christ. To the source of real joy and peace. Sometimes that's all we have, and I promise it's enough. The love of our Heavenly Parents and Brother Jesus Christ can carry us through anything.
I love you all and sorry this was a bit of a weird email today! It's been a bit of a weird day too!
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