Stocking up on supplies!
February 24, 2020
Hey this week has been full of many wild events!
Quarantine info:
I'm sure most of you are aware of our inability to leave the house at this time for at least two weeks, but that won't stop the work!!
Corona won't get us down
Some of you may be wondering that the heck we are going to do with not being able to watch tv or read books, or scroll mindlessly through social media! Well Sister jensen and I are déterminéd to make it productive so it's going to be awesome... Hard, but awesome.
We have a lot of things planned to keep the work moving! We will still teach our people through video call :) if they don't have a smart phone then we are getting a member to go over there and call us in! It's going to be different but I'm excited.
We are also going to take this chance to get to know our members here! Thai people LOVE talking on the phone so this is a perfect opportunity ;) we are super excited to learn about their conversion stories and see the amazing things they will do to help further the work!
We will also really pump up social media, Thai people are also addicted to Facebook so Woah look!! ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY!
Making our video!!
We also have a miracle board as of 1 day ago to help keep us motivated and we really do plan on seeing just as many or more miracles in this time!! We already have 3 miracles up there so things are pretty great.
Also since sister jensen and love to have fun, we also have so many fun things planned that consist of, taking a lot of exercise breaks (we are going to Get ripped just saying), dance parties (to appropriate music ofc) (also my favourite one on the list), learning to cook some good food, getting to know each other maybe a little too well, practicing our singing (that'll need a lot of practicing so it's perfect!!). I have the perfect companion for this rn we already love each other so much and are besties!
Sister jensen already going crazy, like look at that outfit
Random air guys in our apartment, it was so weird to have them here
All this being said though it is going to be super hard. I acknowledge that... We are both really outgoing people who love to talk to other people so this is going to be hard, and it will get boring, and we will go a little crazy, but NOTHING will stop us from doing the best that we can in this moment! We are called as full time missionaries of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints whether we are inside the house or not. We will not stop sharing the very thing that brought us here...Our love for God and for all of his children. Now it's just time to take it to the streets of social media instead of the streets of Thailand
thank goodness for technology amiright
A girl we are teaching made us food and came to church for the first time on her own!!!
That's really all I'm going to say today, this past week we saw a lot of miracles, people coming together, and had a lot of fun! We had zone conference on the last day before the quarantine and it was soooooo good. President Hammond is awesome!
I love you all so much!! We need all the prayers we can get right now over here as it's going to be a really trying time :) even if you've never prayed before don't let that stop you!! God hears everyone :))
Love you,
Sister clement
OH yeah and I also have to fly to Bangkok tonight to do my visa so it'll be great to get out of the house!
Posed picture for my visa application (I need one of me teaching English)
(mom's note: Rachael had to fly to Bangkok yesterday for one day to renew her VISA. Can't say I'm excited about her being on a plane but I'm trusting that all will be well as she does what she needs to do. It will be a minimum of 2 weeks for the quarantine. If it is longer than that, they could be reassigned to different missions. That will break their heart but they know it will be for the best. They are only allowed to leave their apartments to go to church for an hour on Sundays, to get needed supplies and to exercise. They are not allowed to talk to anyone in the street, to other missionaries, no group meetings. This is going to be a challenging but necessary course of action to keep them safe. They are starting out with a positive attitude and want to serve the best they can no matter the circumstance. I am grateful that she is being looked after by inspired leaders and we continue to pray for the safety of all)